Singers must submit the following as part of their audition package:
complete the questionnaire. Please be as thorough as possible when answering - this information will
form part of your audition package and will impact your overall audition.
Chorister Questionnaire
- Chromatic scale - one octave (ascending and descending, unaccompanied)
- There are two parts to the scale to be included on your audition recording. Sopranos,
beginning on the F above middle C; Altos, beginning on middle C; Tenors, beginning on the F
below middle C; and Basses, beginning on the C one octave below middle C; sing an ascending
unaccompanied chromatic scale as far as comfortably possible (more than an octave if you
can). Then beginning on the same pitch sing a descending unaccompanied chromatic scale as
far as comfortably possible.
- One (1) test piece provided by SCF as a benchmark
- Included with your audition packet is a test piece, Art Thou Troubled by G.F. Handel. Sing
the piece unaccompanied in whatever key is most comfortable for you. (You may wish to
listen to YouTube performances to help you learn this piece.)
- No sight-reading component is required, but a high level of musicianship is expected.
IMPORTANT: Recording quality will affect judging - please use the best equipment possible.
- Work ethic - Ability to hold a part
- Commitment - Leadership ability
- Ability to handle SYC participation along with other commitments
Do I need an accompanist?
No. The vocal exercises and the audition piece must be sung a cappella.
How should I record my audition?
Record your audio or video audition in one uninterrupted take. You may record your audition on any recording device that is available to you (ex. cell phone, tablet, iPad, or computer). For example: iPhone users could use the Voice Memo app to record and Android users could use the Voice Recorder app to record. Your music teacher/conductor may also have a recording device that you could use for this purpose.
How do I submit my audition recording?
Audition recordings can be emailed directly to the SCF at:
[email protected]
Please label your audition recording as: FirstNameLastNameVoice.mp3 (ex: JaneJonesSoprano.mp3)
Important reminders about submitting your audition recording:
* Please complete your audition recording in one take (vocal exercises followed by the test piece). When
submitting your recording (vocal exercise and test piece), please make sure to label the file using the
naming convention mentioned above. Unlabeled material will not be considered.
* Do not use your name or any other identifying features when recording your audition, as this is an
anonymous audition.
* Please be aware that sound quality will affect judging – use the best quality possible.
All audition materials must be received by the Saskatchewan Choral Federation office by 11:59pm on Friday, October 25, 2024. This includes the online chorister questionnaire, audio audition recording, and musical reference.
If you have any questions about the audition requirements or process, please feel free to contact the Saskatchewan Choral Federation by phone (306-780-9230) or e-mail ([email protected])
Singers must submit the following as part of their audition package:
- Chorister Questionnaire
complete the questionnaire. Please be as thorough as possible when answering - this information will
form part of your audition package and will impact your overall audition.
Chorister Questionnaire
- Audition Recording
- Chromatic scale - one octave (ascending and descending, unaccompanied)
- There are two parts to the scale to be included on your audition recording. Sopranos,
beginning on the F above middle C; Altos, beginning on middle C; Tenors, beginning on the F
below middle C; and Basses, beginning on the C one octave below middle C; sing an ascending
unaccompanied chromatic scale as far as comfortably possible (more than an octave if you
can). Then beginning on the same pitch sing a descending unaccompanied chromatic scale as
far as comfortably possible.
- One (1) test piece provided by SCF as a benchmark
- Included with your audition packet is a test piece, Art Thou Troubled by G.F. Handel. Sing
the piece unaccompanied in whatever key is most comfortable for you. (You may wish to
listen to YouTube performances to help you learn this piece.)
- No sight-reading component is required, but a high level of musicianship is expected.
IMPORTANT: Recording quality will affect judging - please use the best equipment possible.
- Musical References
- Work ethic - Ability to hold a part
- Commitment - Leadership ability
- Ability to handle SYC participation along with other commitments
Do I need an accompanist?
No. The vocal exercises and the audition piece must be sung a cappella.
How should I record my audition?
Record your audio or video audition in one uninterrupted take. You may record your audition on any recording device that is available to you (ex. cell phone, tablet, iPad, or computer). For example: iPhone users could use the Voice Memo app to record and Android users could use the Voice Recorder app to record. Your music teacher/conductor may also have a recording device that you could use for this purpose.
How do I submit my audition recording?
Audition recordings can be emailed directly to the SCF at:
[email protected]
Please label your audition recording as: FirstNameLastNameVoice.mp3 (ex: JaneJonesSoprano.mp3)
Important reminders about submitting your audition recording:
* Please complete your audition recording in one take (vocal exercises followed by the test piece). When
submitting your recording (vocal exercise and test piece), please make sure to label the file using the
naming convention mentioned above. Unlabeled material will not be considered.
* Do not use your name or any other identifying features when recording your audition, as this is an
anonymous audition.
* Please be aware that sound quality will affect judging – use the best quality possible.
All audition materials must be received by the Saskatchewan Choral Federation office by 11:59pm on Friday, October 25, 2024. This includes the online chorister questionnaire, audio audition recording, and musical reference.
If you have any questions about the audition requirements or process, please feel free to contact the Saskatchewan Choral Federation by phone (306-780-9230) or e-mail ([email protected])