Mission, Vision, & Core Values
Sing Saskatchewan!
To foster participation in and development of choral music in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan's choral community is vibrant, thriving and inclusive.
Core Values
Inclusivity through adaptability and accessibility for all
Responsible, proactive leadership
Embracing the evolution of choral music while preserving and celebrating its past
- Choirs at all stages of development from beginning to excellence
- Adaptive, able to include other traditions
- Make what we're doing accessible
- Make what's important and unique to the group part of our experience
Responsible, proactive leadership
- Demonstrate leadership in the music community
- Leverage what we have to move forward and capitalize on existing resources
- Responsibility to our membership and funders
- Keep our commitments
- Provide honest answers to honest questions
- Anticipating the future and leveraging the opportunities it presents to our advantage
- Capitalize (execute) opportunities
- Think outside the box
- Environmental awareness
Embracing the evolution of choral music while preserving and celebrating its past
- We have a heritage of people who did something before us and we have an obligation to leave a legacy behind us